
Daniel Zeichner – 2015 Parliamentary Question to the Department for Transport

The below Parliamentary question was asked by Daniel Zeichner on 2015-12-14.

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to the Answer of 8 December 2015 to Question 18104, how much funding will be allocated to the (a) Cycling Ambition City programme, (b) Highways England cycling programme, (c) Bikeability cycle training programme, (d) Local Growth Fund, (e) new Access fund and (f) Cycle/Rail programme in each of the next five years.

Mr Robert Goodwill

The Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, to be published in summer 2016, will set out the Government’s plans for investing in cycling and walking. Otherwise, I can confirm that at least £114m Capital Department Expenditure Limit (CDEL) will go to the continuation of the Cycle Ambition Cities between 2015/16 and 2017/18, the Road Investment Strategy committed £100m between 2015/16 and 2020/21 to improve provision for cyclists on the Strategic Road Network, £12m Resource Department Expenditure Limit (RDEL) will go to Bikeability cycle training each year, £80m RDEL will go toward the Access fund, and £500m CDEL has been embedded in the Local Growth Fund to support spend on sustainable transport, including cycling and walking. All other funding streams will be considered as part of the process for developing the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy.