Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : UN HRC52 – Statement on the Democratic Republic of Congo [March 2023]

The press release issued by the Foreign Office on 31 March 2023.

UN HRC52: UK statement for the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Thank you Mr Vice President,

We thank all the speakers for their updates.

The UK remains deeply concerned by the deteriorating human rights situation in DRC, particularly in eastern provinces. The re-emergence of UN-sanctioned armed group M23 has resulted in increased violence, a large spike in humanitarian need, and over 800,000 people displaced since March 2022. We strongly condemn human rights violations and abuses perpetrated by all actors in DRC. The redeployment of resources to tackle M23 has undermined the protection of civilians elsewhere, leading to increased attacks by other armed groups including the Allied Democratic Forces and CODECO. Vulnerable populations have a right to peace; the situation on the ground must improve.

We welcome the Government’s ongoing commitment to strengthening democracy and addressing the conflict – it is vital that these efforts continue. The human rights of all Congolese people must be respected, and all those who have committed human rights violations and abuses must be held accountable. We would welcome the High Commissioner’s assessment of how this Council can best support these efforts.

Mr Vice President,

We reiterate our full support to the regional political processes and urge all parties to respect the commitments made. There is only one way out of this conflict – the violence must stop – to give dialogue and peace a chance to succeed, to give those who have endured terrible acts of violence, and threats to their lives and livelihoods, and those of their loved ones, a chance to rebuild and begin again.

Thank you.