100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 7 February 1923


Lord Curzon, the Foreign Secretary, said that he believed that agreement could be reached at the Lausanne Conference and added that he was confident that the Turks would sign the Treaty in due course.

Sir Samuel Hoare, the Minister of State for Air, said at a conference there was a problem with aviation because neither the public nor private sector had the finances to invest in the required infrastructure. He added that the development of civil aviation was also challenging given the current state of war, or the threat of war, that existed in parts of the world.

The French Government said that they were meeting with growing resistance in the area of the Ruhr Valley in which they had occupied, with Germans resisting and opposing the regime in greater numbers. Action was taken against more local officials, especially in the railways and coal mining industry, who failed to follow the orders of French military officers.